Efficacy of a Therapeutic Diet on Dogs With Signs of Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS): A Prospective Double Blinded Placebo Controlled Clinical Study

Efficacy of a Therapeutic Diet on Dogs With Signs of Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome (CDS): A Prospective Double Blinded Placebo Controlled Clinical Study

Research has positively evaluated the effect of two nutritional solutions on colony housed dogs and cats with cognitive dysfunction syndrome (known as CDS and a common condition amongst senior dogs, and is comparable to Alzheimer’s disease in humans), on their cognitive function and slow aging-induced cognitive decline. This study sought to evaluate the effects of the two diets (Brain Protection Blend, BPB diet, and Medium Chain Triglyceride, MCT diet) on 87 “client-owned dogs” diagnosed with CDS through two screening tests. As the design of the study wanted to determine the effects of these two diets, dogs were randomly assigned to a control group, a low dose of MCT & BPB diet (6.5% MCT oil and BPB, referred to as 6.5% MCT diet), or a higher dose of MCT & BPB with 9% MCT oil + BPB (referred to as 9% MCT diet).

The duration of the study was established at 90o days, however, CDS signs were evaluated at baseline, at the 30-day mark, and finally at the 90-day mark. While the control group of dogs improved in 4 out of 6 CDS signs categories, in the 6.5% MCT diet group improved in all 6 categories, and in the 9% MCT diet, only the dogs that accepted the diet showed improvements. Overall results confirm that by addressing known risk factors associated with aging and Alzheimer’s disease through nutrient blends, it is possible to help improve the symptoms of CDS in dogs.